Leg Length Discrepancy and Short Right Leg Syndrome
in the context of Remedial Therapy
Why Short Right Leg Syndrome is Unknown by the Therapeutic Community
Trying to understand why the therapeutic and medical community does not recognise Short Right Leg Syndrome, I consider the impact of biomechanical, neurological and energetic Qi flow factors.
The short of it, biomechanical and neurological effects of a minor structural leg length discrepancy are often negligible. Energetic Qi flow impact on mobility and metabolic health is further ranging and greater. Conventional therapists are blind to this...they cannot connect the dots between a minor proximal anomaly at the pelvis and an acute distal effect caused by energetic blocking. As for the possibility a Pelvic Block impacts metabolic health, that is something beyond their wildest fantasy. Hence, minor structural leg length discrepancies, if detected at all, are largely disregarded.
Postural aberrations about the pelvis and spine from a minor leg length discrepancy would seem to have little or no biomechanical effect. The left hip rotates anteriorly about the SIJ, partially reducing pelvic tilt by functionally reducing leg length. I am yet to encounter another medico or therapist which assesses for this. Obviously they think it is of little consequence and dismiss it. Yes, it might tighten the SIJ but practitioners more highly trained than I do not give it a second thought. My assessment is that it is a protective mechanism for reducing pelvic tilt in the presence of structural leg length discrepancy. In the short term, it is the underlying causation for the Left Lower Limb Mechanism by creating an energetic Qi flow block at the SIJ affecting the backline of the lower limb. In the longer term, chronic binding strain injures the SIJ which has been pushed several times past its normal range of motion. I typically sight it rotated anteriorly between 30 and 45 degrees. Normal range of motion for this joint is described in the literature between 5 and 10 degrees.
I know low grade pelvic tilt of SRLS commonly causes tightness and sensitivity in the right QL's and mild right leaning scoliosis through the lumbar spine. Rarely catastrophic and low level, the majority of my clients are unaware of it. I am guessing either overlooked or so insignificant it is not worth mentioning by any prior therapist. When it does begin to escalate it is just considered a part of that vague syndrome of low back pain that can be sorted by core exercise and an "adjustment". The elevated left hip compressing disk spacing on the left and dropped right hip opening disk spacing on the right, geometrically creates a wedge squeezing disks to the right. This is a contributory factor for catastrophic disk bulge injury. Particularly, in those exception cases not demonstrating the protective mechanism of the First Cardinal Sign of SRLS. In the absence of catastrophic spinal injury, neurologically the effects are considered insignificant and a minor leg length discrepancy is typically dismissed. The postural aberrations sighted do not impinge neurologically in any significant way.
Applying the principles of energetic Qi flow to the effect of a leg length discrepancy on the pelvis and the lumbro-sacral region gives insight to many conditions not fully understood by conventional therapists. Chronic stress and strain on soft tissue described by the Three Cardinal Signs of SRLS inhibits energetic Qi flow through the pelvis impacting mobility through lower limbs and spine, and digestive, reproductive and kidney function. With regard to internal health effects, it is outside the scope of practice for Remedial Therapy. However, there is now much anecdotal evidence in my practice of the coincidental beneficial side effects on internal health from heel lift therapy treating SRLS. While this is supported by Traditional Chinese Medical theory and known to a few TCM practitioners, it is overlooked by TCM practitioners generally and not presented in university training. It is known to martial artists and Yoga practitioners of high standing and it is simple to understand when considering there are fourteen organ channels or acupuncture meridians passing through the pelvis to and from the lower limbs.
Conventional physical therapy focuses largely on biomechanical and neurological factors in assessment. It is unfortunate their training does not include activity giving the ability to sense, cultivate and control Qi. The properties of energetic Qi flow are not discussed in their training. As a result they are blind to its effects and cannot make the connection, for instance, between hip rotation binding the SIJ, blocking energetic Qi flow down the backline of the lower limb and Plantar Fasciitis in the foot. I can only think this gap in ability and knowledge explains why SRLS in its entirety is not common knowledge.