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Case 4, Part 11  Men's Health, Enlarged Prostate


Let me throw this one in here. This is a men's health issue most of us know nothing about until we get it. The Medical Doctors do not know what causes it nor do they have a treatment to resolve it excepting invasive surgical procedures. From the age of 50 to 60, 50% of men are affected by it and around 80% of men from age 70. Images not included because it is a little too graphic but search "Enlarged Prostate".

I got the problem from the late 50's and my urine flow trickled. The Saw Palmetto herbal and mineral prostate formula seemed to do the trick reinstating flow. Should I ever stop taking it, within days urine flow would trickle again.

Age 60, major lumbro-sacral injury from high intensity athletics and a 21mm structural leg length discrepancy. The injury compounding the effects from chronic distortion and strain through the pelvis caused by this same leg length discrepancy. Five years of inexplicable deterioration of lower limb, lower back and internal health function followed. The doctors and therapists failed me. Eventually when faced with the prospect of retirement from active life, I commenced self treatment. At that time I did not know for sure about the leg length discrepancy but there had been clues. I placed a 5mm heel lift under my short right leg. What followed was ten months of dramatic enduring change for the better. It is a long story. One of the outcomes is I no longer need the prostate formula to ensure strong urine flow at age 68.

Structural leg length discrepancy and a short right leg is universal. It is a dominant genetic trait that came about through evolutionary adaptation. The mechanics of a short right leg facilitate carrying baby on the left hip. In prehistoric times when we were nomadic hunter gatherers living in the forest, this increased the chance of survival for mother and child by freeing the strong right hand for work and defence. It was the most successful model. With rare exception, we all have a structurally short right leg in the range of 10mm to 20mm.

How does this affect us today? As we age beyond the life expectancy of our prehistoric ancestors, there has been constant distortion and strain through the pelvis accommodating a leg length discrepancy for decades >>> anterior rotation of the left hip binding the SIJ >>> rigidity at the right hip >>> right leaning pelvic tilt >>> Lumbar strain encouraging right sided disk bulging >>> and mild scoliosis through the all, generating a state of chronic tightness through the musculature and joints of the lumbro-sacral region and pelvis, blocking energetic Qi flow between torso and lower limbs. The central Du and Ren meridians from Traditional Chinese Medical theory channelling Qi flow up the Spine, over the head and down the front of our body, between the legs and through the prostate are blocked. The six bilateral organ channels from torso to lower limbs are similarly affected.

The cumulative effect from this postural asymmetry builds with age and, typically from our 40's, symptoms affecting mobility and internal health begin to gradually escalate. Unrecognised, it is simply accepted as part of the ageing process but can be prevented by ensuring flexibility through the pelvis is maintained. This takes the dedication of a Yoga Guru or martial arts Master. Loading factors from work and sport can overwhelm rehabilitation attempts. Hence, usually necessitating use of a small adjusting heel lift under the foot of the short leg where acute symptoms have developed.

When energetic Qi flow is blocked a thickening and tightening occurs in the connective tissue. Mistaken for inflammation, it can be rapidly resolved by clearing the energetic block and promoting the smooth flow of Qi. I see this in my work as a Remedial Therapist in upper and lower limbs, pelvis, chest, neck and shoulders. I'm guessing the same effect occurs through the prostate and contributes to the swelling of the tissue of this gland that impinges the urethra.

Without the use of drugs, herbs or any medical procedure, urine flow that was trickling has resumed since commencing self treatment to normalise pelvic posture, reducing distortion, clearing strain through the soft tissue. After a few beers I piss like a race horse once again. It is worth considering.

The changes described took two years of dedicated use of heel lift and supplementary mobility exercises for the pelvis. In relation to restricted urine flow, it was not yet an advanced case. How other cases might respond is unknown. I can speak at length about other benefits from the heel lift treatment for mobility and internal health. As yet, have little anecdotal evidence excepting my own experience with prostate function and the effect of structural leg length discrepancy.

First published on personal Facebook page 29 August 2024

Short Right Leg Syndrome
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Simon Crittenden
18 First Avenue
Cockatoo VIC 3781 Australia
+61 416 268 255

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