Leg Length Discrepancy and Short Right Leg Syndrome
in the context of Remedial Therapy
Case Notes 4, Part 2 - Simon Crittenden, Energetic Effects of Pelvic Block and Fitting Heel Lift
I have a structural leg length discrepancy never identified by any physical trainer/coach, therapist or doctor in over six decades on the planet. Combined with high intensity athletic training throughout my 50's it culminated in a catastrophic lumbro-sacral injury in 2016 that took several months to overcome. While the back injury healed sufficiently to resume training, stability issues with the knee became unmanageable and knocked me off the team. This was the beginning of a gradual decline in lower limb function. At times I walked like Frankenstein.
In 2019 a Reiki Master (trained in Japan, lineage four steps removed from Dr Usui) treated me several times. Each time reporting with surprise how much energy had been directed to the legs. Each time legs would feel young again for several days but this would gradually wear off as though the battery was discharging and Frankenstein would reappear. I might exaggerate but the gait was not good.
I now recognise lumbro-sacral and pelvic distortion and stress from the structural leg length discrepancy compounded by the effects of low back injury created an energetic block through the pelvis. What commenced as a previously injured knee joint falling apart after the onset of back injury, degenerated over the course of several years. Characterised by poor mobility, acute knee pain, circulation issues, fluid retention, pain along bladder and kidney meridians...much time was spent with legs up on couch during 2020 Pandemic Lockdowns, work assignments becoming daunting, visions of mobility scooters, and at the worst, pain restricting walks to 200mtrs.
Extensive therapeutic treatment was received during 2019 and 2020. Helpful in minor respects but none of it really changing the status quo. Cleared of DVT by the GP. Extensive TCM herbal and acupuncture treatment for circulation, kidneys, joints, lower back & knee injury, regular Chiropractic for back, neck and lower limbs. Weekly Thai massage once Lockdown restrictions lifted.
It was not until January 2021 I recognised something must be done to relieve the onging niggles in the lumbro-sacral area from a minor disk bulge that would not resolve. On inserting a 5mm heel lift under my right foot, hope returned. Immediately the knee injury that ended my cycling career began to feel like it was healing. I began to feel legs and feet energetically...I could "breath" into them again. Overall condition continues to improve dramatically. I am so confident I have purchased a mountain bike to commence training on the fire trails through the local forest...if it is meant to be, I may even become strong enough to begin road riding once again.
Pictured: The time trial bike running 145psi tubulars on which I frequently did the 17kms from Black Rock to Albert Park riding solo at between 45kph and 60kph...if winded, recovery pace was 38kph for a few moments. Training for this sprint included regular training rides between 50km and 90km with the odd 150km effort. The sprint was the favourite and would have me pumped for the day. Resting HR in the 40's. Maximum HR 184. Age late 50's.
Best ever sprint performance (if you can call 17kms a sprint)...paceline with two buddies...a retired AFL player whose first coach with the Tigers was Tommy Hafey, and a track & field sprinter who did the 200m on the track at the Sydney Olympics...the entire distance was covered in top two gears, wattage did not drop below 450W, wind assisted average speed greater than 50kph.
First published 24 March 2021 on https://www.facebook.com/MassageWorksDandenongRanges