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Bladder Meridian Choke Points at Right Iliac Crest and Insertion of the Biceps Femoris tendon to the head of the Fibula, Right Lower Limb Mechanism, Knee Function and Baker's Cyst

The reason for the initial lumbro-sacral injury I suffered in 2016 was a mystery at that time. No event or underlying cause was readily apparent. Gradual onset of niggles to the left hip over some months suggesting a possible hip problem was misleading. The reason for the subsequent complete loss of integrity of the left knee during convalescence from that injury was also a mystery. It was this loss of knee integrity that knocked me out of sport. It was only after five years of gradually deteriorating lower limb, lower back and internal health condition unresolved by much treatment from medico's and therapists before I commenced self treatment for a short right leg. It was a further year into the recovery process before I began understand the effect of a blocked Bladder meridian at the hip on Knee and Kidney function.

The effect of a blocked Bladder meridian on Kidney function I have described previously. It was through the process of treating and resolving chronic right leg pain caused by rigidity at the right hip due to the Second Cardinal Sign of SRLS impacting the Bladder meridian that I came to understand the contribution this has to the Knee. Apart from Hamstring, Calf and Heel pain, the focal point of Bladder meridian pain in the lower limb is at the Biceps Femoris insertion behind the knee to the head of the Fibula. This is the point of greatest stress along the Bladder meridian at the small cross section of the tendinous insertion’s attachment to the bone. It is a choke point and, of course, another is at the right Iliac Crest. This is an aspect of the prominent Right Lower Limb Mechanism of SRLS.

I have since observed Bladder meridian blockage affecting the Biceps Femoris tendon at the knee many times in clients in the presence of a prominent Right Lower Limb Mechanism of SRLS. Several of these had also developed a Baker’s Cyst behind that knee.

I was affected by this Biceps Femoris tendon pain for a two year period from March 2020 until commencing treatment in January 2022. Initially intermittent and then after several months it became chronic. I had also been in varying degrees of pain much of that time in the Hamstring, Knee, Calf and Heel. This was meridian pain. It disabled the right knee. A knee that had never previously been injured became inflamed and painful for no apparent reason. ROM was restricted to less than 90 degrees flexion preventing cycling exercise. Getting in and out of a car was difficult unless able to fully open the door. At its worst, standing to work became difficult due to pain in the calf. There was no event that caused the injury. This just happened inexplicably. I now know the energetic blockage at the hip is responsible for generating tightening and thickening along the Bladder meridian down the backline of the right lower limb…in particular, at the highest stress point at the hamstring insertion in the lateral posterior aspect of the knee joint.

I was lucky to not develop a Baker’s Cyst behind the knee. Pressure through the knee on all fours helpful…I stumbled upon this crawling under the house replacing kitchen exhaust fan and ducting…Master Zedong teaches this as treatment for the knee. I have now sighted several instances of Baker’s Cysts accompanied by a prominent Right Lower Limb Mechanism of SRLS and acute pain on palpation of the Biceps Femoris tendon at the knee. This is not known nor considered in the treatment of Baker’s Cysts.

Commencing self treatment to clear the Second Cardinal Sign of SRLS at the hip using Fascial Release technique, Deep Tissue Therapy across the full length of the right Iliac Crest, deep Stretching technique into the small of the back, and Heel Lift Treatment rapidly resolved the acute pain I had experienced for two years. Prior regular Chiropractic and TCM treatment had no effect relieving this condition. Examination by several Medical Doctors led nowhere. Despite the dramatic success from self treatment the condition lingered to some degree.

Acute disabling pain, thickening and tightening through the backline of the right leg reduced but was not totally eliminated. Only when two and a half years of heel lift treatment with a 5mm adjustment had reduced distortion and tightness through the pelvis was I able to increase the heel lift size and get more complete resolution. Increasing the heel lift to 10mm, which is roughly half the structural leg length discrepancy, resolved the last vestiges of pain. Palpation of the right Biceps Femoris tendon insertion to the head of the Fibula is now loose and pain free. There is no thickening and tightening through the calf. Reverting to a smaller heel lift for one day only and the pain at this tendon returns. The body’s response to leg length discrepancy after many decades under the influence of gravity is quickly triggered when the adjustment amount is insufficient.

Notable on achieving this improved condition through the right lower limb, Kidney health, while sub-optimal after a lifetime of being starved energetically by Bladder meridian blockage at the hip, has improved. I was very aware of the reduction of Kidney deficiency symptoms and increased vitality. Regular TCM consultation was continuing at this time. Within the space of a week, kidney deficiency symptoms abated. At the next TCM consultation and for first time in 45 years a TCM doctor stated my pulse was “normal.” Two weeks later at a subsequent consultation it was “Good!” That has never been said in 45 years since first consulting a TCM doctor at age 23! There had been a state of chronic kidney deficiency since my early 20’s.

This is part of the story revealing the nature of the Pelvic Block generated by pelvic distortion from a structurally short leg. Judging by the lack of understanding and scepticism demonstrated by the both the Chiropractor and TCM practitioner consulted, the Pelvic Block as I describe it is not considered in their training. I do have some reason to believe it was understood by the ancients. There are several TCM practitioners in Melbourne, Glenys Savage and James Middleton, who do understand and consider it in their treatment regime. This knowledge was passed to them by their teacher Professor Wong Lun OBE OAM,10th dan Tang So Do.

The astute reader will have noted mention of left knee instability in the first paragraph but then all further references are to the right knee. This is not an error. It was through treating the Right Lower Limb Mechanism that I gained this understanding of the relationship between blocked Bladder meridian and the focal point at the Biceps Femoris tendon at the knee. In my case, the left knee was first affected by this same mechanism owing to spasm through hip and glutes on the left side from acute lumbro-sacral injury. Affecting the left Bladder meridian making the previously injured left knee vulnerable, collapsing during convalescence and unable to manage athletic loads when resuming sport where previously it had always done so. Had that left knee not been previously injured at the head of the Fibula…being the choke point along the Bladder meridians passage down the backline of the limb…it is unlikely it would have collapsed and knocked me out of sport.

Short Right Leg Syndrome
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Simon Crittenden
18 First Avenue
Cockatoo VIC 3781 Australia
+61 416 268 255

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