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I am a Remedial Massage Therapist in Melbourne, Australia. Graduate of Swinburne University of Technology, 2007. Remedial Massage Therapy is an assessment and treatment framework incorporating the fundamentals of Physiotherapy to assess posture, pain and injury. Treatment is largely massage based to release tightness, strengthen weakness and promote circulation. My practice also includes Osteopathic Fascial Release techniques, Craniosacral Therapy and Traditional Chinese Medical practices of Cupping and Gua Sha. With a background in both Eastern philosophy and Western medical science, I bring an understanding of underlying energetic Qi flow to assessment. Remedial Massage and Myotherapy are the only forms of therapeutic massage treatment recognised by the Health Department in this country and are typically covered as an extras item for insurance purposes under Natural Therapies. I am a registered provider with all Health Funds and Workcover.


Unknowingly, seeing the signs and symptoms of Short Right Leg Syndrome (SRLS) early in my practice, they appeared to be random inexplicable aberrations until the possibility of a common structurally short right leg was brought to my attention by a Craniosacral Therapy instructor, Malcolm Hiort. I was sceptical but, within two months, assessing the leg length of every client presenting in clinic verified the claim. There was no hint of it in our training at University and it would seem to be overlooked by medico’s and therapists generally in this country. This is a mystery to me because with few exceptions, everyone has a short right leg. Short left legs and even or near even legs are rare.


I have identified the key features of SRLS, have a plausible theory for the presence of this dominant genetic trait in Homo Sapiens and specified a rudimentary assessment and treatment protocol. My experience treating the condition is not yet extensive. However, considerable success has been achieved with a number of clients who suffered long term acute conditions. I would describe my understanding of the condition as advanced. It might be considered beyond the scope of practice of Remedial Therapists and Myotherapists as I bring an understanding of the Eastern philosophy of energetic Qi flow. However, the anatomical description I provide and ability to palpate bony structure and muscle tone will give other practitioners sufficient knowledge to understand, assess and treat the condition.


With few exceptions, practitioners with whom I have broached the subject doubt the condition exists and dismiss its relevance without consideration. Preferring to cling to their models of TMJ and Cervical dysfunction causing dural drag working down the spine, etc. These theories should be reviewed in light of the universal existence of a short right leg causing pelvic tilt working up the spine and down the legs, not to mention the imposition of a major energetic block at the pelvis playing havoc with internal health.


I have personal experience with this condition. Suffering a lumbro-sacral injury due to the asymmetry of a leg length difference measured at 21mm (+/- 2mm) combined with elite level athletic activity. While the injury healed, a previously damaged left knee lost all integrity and was no longer able to manage the training load. I was forced out of sport. In the following five years I consulted nine medico's and therapists for low back and leg issues. This included one hospital admission to assess possible thrombosis in the right leg. Leg length was never assessed and treatment received did resolve the condition. Leg function continued to deteriorate. Twice in the latter stages I considered the possibility of retirement and purchase of a mobility scooter to get to the supermarket. It was not until a minor relapse of the original disk bulge injury due to a stiff legged Frankenstein like gait, that I considered I might need an adjusting heel lift under the short leg. Heel lift treatment resulted in dramatic enduring improvement to my mobility and internal health. Details of my story are Case 4 in the Notes section.


A senior educator and practitioner in my field, Steven Goldstein, has stated this material should be published in a medical journal. I have approached the professional Association I am a member of for inclusion of this material in their quarterly journal. I am still working on that. Due to the cross pollination in medical fields between Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA, I am guessing that if SRLS is not considered in medical examination in this country it will be similarly neglected in these other countries too. Based on reports from Colombian and Dutch clients, I suspect it gets more attention in some other countries. It really is a big thing and I reveal new insights to the condition gleaned through the fusion of East and West I practice.


Simon Crittenden

Remedial Massage Therapist

Member of Massage & Myotherapy Australia


Massage Works Dandenong Ranges

18 First Ave, Cockatoo  VIC  3781  Australia

+61 416 268 255

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Simon Crittenden
18 First Avenue
Cockatoo VIC 3781 Australia
+61 416 268 255

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