Leg Length Discrepancy and Short Right Leg Syndrome
in the context of Remedial Therapy
Review on Google at Massage Works Dandenong Ranges
This guy is a tradie working on his feet all day and is now back to running 70km per week. History as a triathlete in Ironman competition...
"As a runner, I have had hip issues for the last 3 years. On and off going to chiro trying to get sorted but eventually I would still be getting the same pain. Then I came across Simon with his studies into short right leg syndrome. I booked an appointment and within the 10 minutes he had measured me up and explained to me all about short right leg syndrome. He believed that my right leg was slightly shorter then my left and was creating the constant tightness around the hips. After a solid hour massage of getting stuck into the muscles around the hips I felt a little sore but a knew I needed that to break up the stiffness that I was experiencing. After the session Simon recommended a 3mm heel lift to wear in my right shoe. Within 2 weeks of wearing a heel lift in every pair of shoes my hip pain was gone. It's been 6 months now since my first massage with Simon and I'm amazed by how well I'm feeling. I check in with Simon here and there for a general massage but his knowledge about the Short leg syndrome has fixed my niggling problems. So any runners out there I recommend you give Simon a call he will spend the time analysing your body and fix you up in no time. Absolute Champion."
Therapist's Comment: Thankyou Jason. I think this was the outcome from one or two treatment sessions. He has a structural leg length discrepancy with right shorter than left in the range of 10mm to 15mm. This is the lower end of normal range. Owing to the nature of his work and athletic activity, lower limbs are heavily loaded generating a high degree of strain through pelvis under the influence of the structural imbalance. Left hip was in high range anterior rotation binding left SIJ tender to palpation and spasming left glutes. More problematic was the Second Cardinal Sign of SRLS of rigidity through the right hip >>> tightness and pain anteriorly in hip and right Adductor Magnus. Correction to his statement above...a 5mm heel lift was originally fitted.
Re-examined six months later when returning for shoulder issues aggravated by the escalated running regime, left hip position has normalised. Hip mobility is still restricted but now more balanced and pain free. Hip mobility exercises recommended.