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First Order Definition - Restricted Mobility

Where energetic Qi flow is inhibited or blocked due to postural anomalies, overwork, injury, attacking pathogens (cold, heat, wind, dampness) or emotional factors causing pain, injury and dysfunction to the soft tissue of the limbs and torso restricting mobility.

Left Lower Limb Mechanism


Chronic anterior rotation of left hip is a postural adjustment to functionally reduce the length of a structurally long leg and reduce pelvic tilt in the Frontal plane. It is not considered good posture but it is so frequently sighted I call it "normal" posture. This binds the left SIJ causing an energetic/Qi block and consequent thickening and tightening down backline of limb from glutes to plantar fascia.

Right Lower Limb Mechanism

Two factors contribute to right sided mechanism being lumbar dysfunction and the Pendulum effect on gait.


The Pendulum effect resulting from the shortened right leg's effect on gait causing momentary hesitation and a lightened footfall with each step. The left foot plants directly with confidence. The right foot hesitates and a holding pattern develops about the hip. Adding to this is Frontal plane pelvic tilt widening right side spacing between lumbar vertebrae and reducing left side space encourages lumbar disk bulging to the right. Rarely catastrophic but sufficient to cause tenderness and tightening in the right QL's.


The combination of these two factors cause the right hip from lumbar region to the acetablum and adductors in the groin to tighten. Tractioning and compressing from the ankle reveals an unmoving wooden hip. Whereas, the left hip is flexible and giving. The right SIJ can be painful to palpate and stuck. This causes energetic block, tightening and thickening down backline of lower right limb.

Lumbar Mechanism

Scoliosis has been studied extensively and my insights are rudimentary at best. Many fields of therapeutic practice overlook the effect of energetic blockage through the pelvis and lumbro-sacral region on the spine. Misalignment of the pelvis tilts the spine's foundation causing scoliosis, generates chronic soft tissue stress inhibiting energy flow. Where energy flow is blocked, thickening and tightening occurs restricting mobility through back and neck.

Thoracic Mechanism

Mild scoliosis will cause spinal erectors through the thoracic on the side of convexity to be tighter and more highly developed than the opposite side. This contributes to dysfunction and pain in the upper quadrant and an elevated shoulder on the side of convexity.


Injury and Dysfunction Resulting from First Order Energetic Effects


The combination of characteristics defined by gait, activity type/levels/load, prior injury, flexibility, core integrity can induce a mild underlying pattern to morph into acute pain, dysfunction and injury. Lower limb conditions encountered include: Piriformis Syndrome and Sciatic Pain, chronic Hamstring, Calf and/or Achilles tightness, pain, dysfunction or injury such as Chronic Compartment Syndrome or what I describe as unforced hamstring injury on the sporting field or Achilles rupture; and Plantar Fasciitis.

Back conditions resulting from scoliotic strain have an obvious biomechanical explanation but they too are affected by energetic blockage causing thickening and tightening of the connective tissue. This contributes to restricted motion of the spine, particularly rotation in the Transverse plane. Often accompanied by high degrees of tightness and discomfort/pain in the upperback, neck and shoulders which is the bread and butter of the massage therapy industry. There is a tendency for right sided mild lumbar disk bulging causing tightness and tenderness through the right QL's. I have noted a correlation between the right SIJ dysfunction and this right sided lumbar condition.

Short Right Leg Syndrome
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Simon Crittenden
18 First Avenue
Cockatoo VIC 3781 Australia
+61 416 268 255

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